Advertise your Business on Dailyhunt App

Dailyhunt is India’s #1, News and local language content application with over 155 Million app installs offering 100,000 news articles in 14 languages licensed from over 800 publication partners everyday. The Dailyhunt group has 80+ Million users spending over 7 Billion minutes on the service every month.

155 Million+

App Installs

14 Languages

News Articles

800+ Publications

Partners Everyday

Advertise your Business on Dailyhunt app

Why to run ads on Daily Hunt App

Target Audience

Target Audience

Depending on who your target audience is, the platform allows the advertiser to select audience segments based on their understanding of the product-market fit. One can select multiple combinations (and/or) of audience segments to further refine their target. Please be aware that applying too many audience layers will limit the user base and volume.

Custom Ads Format

  • Standard Banner / Image Ads: This helps promote the brand in a visually appealing manner. Pick this format if your objective is to create brand awareness.
  • Native Ads: This helps promoted the product in a more engaging & seamless content format. Pick this format if your objective is to generate traffic.

Custom Ads Format

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Advertise your Business on Dailyhunt Website

155 Million+

App Installs

14 Languages

News Articles

800+ Publications

Partners Everyday

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