Advertise your Business on Wynk App


Connect at the right time and right place

Be Seen,
Be Heard

Reach the Right Audiences

Advertise your Business on Wynk App

Choose an ad format that suits your brand objective

Audio Ads with Companion Banners

Audio Ads with Companion Banners

15 minute Audio Spots with Persistent Banner Assets with 4-5% CTR


Home Screen Masthead

Ideal for High Impact Roadblocks

Home Screen Masthead

Mini Masthead

Mini Masthead

Ideal for Sustenance and performance campaigns

Interstitial Ads

Full screen blockers with 5%+ CTRs


Interstitial Ads

Brand Channel

Brand Channel

Customizable interactions for greater engagement


Display Ads & Push Notifications

For high-impact campaigns


Display Ads & Push Notifications

Sponsored Playlists

Sponsored Playlists

To drive recall and brand affinity

Contact Us

We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours



Sales Department


Phone Number



Advertise your Business on Wynk App

Connect at the right time and right place

Be Seen,
Be Heard

Reach the Right Audiences

Request A Quote

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